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All You Need To Know About Burnout

Too much stress can ruin your health and make you unproductive at work. There are plenty of ways to beat stress and burnout. It leads to mental as well as emotional exhaustion. According to a survey, people spend almost three hours daily on smartphones. It requires around 18 minutes for human brains to concentrate on a task and develop complex matters.

You have probably heard it before and you are tired of hearing it again: too much stress can ruin your health and make you unproductive at work. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to beat stress and burnout. It does not matter whether you are experiencing it frequently or have been feeling its effects lately; you are in the right spot. Here, we will be talking about the ultimate solution that will help you to improve your health and regain your productivity.

Burnout Due To Hectic Professional Life

There is no doubt that hectic professional life can lead to burnout. Indeed, there are many people who are having complications in their life due to excessive job stress and the number of individuals experiencing burnout is consistently expanding. At present, we have become deeply attached to our cell phones, and even in our leisure period, we stay connected. Talking about the consequence, digital burnout leads to mental as well as emotional exhaustion. According to a survey, people spend almost three hours every day on their smartphones. People are frequently diverted and as a result, they are having problems focusing on the thing they are doing.

Burnout Is Hampering Productivity

Well, it is a fact that the human brain is not intended to perform multiple tasks. Concentration breaks when people try to do a wide range of things at the very same time. When people do not interfere, they are better ready to settle complex assignments at work. It requires around 18 minutes for human brains to concentrate on a task and develop complex matters. According to a study that was conducted in Germany, people go after their mobile phones every 15 minutes. You can envision how effectively and productively people need to work to solve a matter in 18 minutes. But, this is being continually interrupted. It is not the cell phones that are hampering productivity; notifications are also breaking concentration. Due to this, people feel pressure in work life and it is ultimately leading to poor health.


It does not matter what job you are doing, dedication, creativity, and technology are required. You cannot completely ignore your mobile phone and at the same time, you cannot let your mobile phone hamper productivity. Therefore, we have come up with the ultimate solution for you - Calming Application.

Calmness has become a rare and precious concept. People have developed a strong urge to check their cell phones frequently. However, if you start ignoring your phone, you might miss important notifications and messages. You need something that develops calmness within you and allows you to focus on your work. Now, this is where calming applications come into play.

We implemented our vision into a unique Infocus application and we invite you to try it. We would appreciate any feedback and ideas on how to improve it.

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