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The Hidden Struggle: From High School Star to College Dropout, and How Coaching Can Help

High school can be a protective bubble for students with ADHD, especially when they have the unwavering support of their parents. Meet Sarah, a high school valedictorian with ADHD. With her parents' constant guidance—think of them as her personal "life GPS"—Sarah navigated high school like a pro. But when she transitioned to college, it was like someone had suddenly turned off the GPS. The result? Sarah went from being a star student to barely passing her courses.

So, what happened? College life comes with newfound freedom but also with a buffet of distractions and responsibilities. Without her parents' daily reminders and emotional support, Sarah found herself lost in the maze of college life. It's a story that's all too common among ADHD students who excel in high school but stumble in college.

The solution? Enter ADHD coaching, the unsung hero in this narrative. Unlike parents who can't follow their kids to college (no matter how much they might want to), an ADHD coach can provide the necessary scaffolding for students like Sarah. These coaches specialize in helping students develop executive functioning skills, like time management, organization, and emotional regulation—skills that are crucial for college success.

Coaching isn't about hand-holding; it's about empowerment. It's like teaching someone to fish, rather than giving them a fish. With the right coaching support, students can learn to navigate the complexities of college life, from managing coursework to balancing social activities, all while keeping their ADHD symptoms in check.

So, if you're a high school star with ADHD, gearing up for the college adventure, consider adding an ADHD coach to your support team. It might just be the missing link that helps you transition from high school success to college triumph.

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